IvedaCare smart app and devices.

With IvedaCare, you not only can monitor your home and loved ones from afar, but potentially life-saving decisions can be made using the app. Cloud-based, wireless sensors collect real-time data that is shared with the entire family circle within the app.

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How it works

Below is only one example of how IvedaCare's Trusted Circles app can work.

Assist button has been pushed or the sensors have detected an abnormal lack of movement from the loved one.

If no movement is detected, a text alert is then sent to the senior for a chance to respond. If there is no response, the Trusted Circle is texted after a few minutes.

The Trusted Circle is then given several minutes to collaborate through text messaging with the goal of establishing a plan of action to address the situation.

App Features

Below are only some of the features included with the Iveda app Subscription.

Smart Home Technologies

Smart home technology allows homeowners and family members to easily control and monitor their homes remotely, improving security and convenience.

Wandering Detection

Using an entry sensor you can receive alerts if a door opens and be notified if the occupant may have left.

Bathroom Activity

Using a Motion Sensor in the bathroom you can monitor an occpupants restroom frequency.

Medicine Adherence

Monitor when medications have been accessed with an Entry Sensor attached to a medicine cabinet. Or use the assist button to tell the Trusted Circle medication has been taken.

Late Night Activity

Alert if there is movement in the house during the night after a certain bedtime.

Sleep Monitoring

With an additional Motion Sensor, you can track sleeping patterns, or if a loved one got out of bed in the morning.

Inactivity Detection

With a Motion Sensor you can learn daily motion patterns and alert Trusted Circle if those patterns have unexpectedly changed.

Water Leak Detection

With the Water Leak Sensor you can detect leaks in the home caused by occupant.

Get Started

All you need to get started with IvedaCare is a Starter Kit and Subscription.
Shipping is always free!

Starter Kit
$ 299.00 USD

Limited Time Only. IvedaCare Starter Kit Introductory Price

The IvedaCare Starter Kit includes a gateway, 2 motion sensors and 2 entry sensors.  Add other sensors to the Starter Kit below. The gateway can manage up to 20 sensors. Download the free IvedaCare app to activate the sensors.
***Must Purchase Subscription to set rules and alerts***

IvedaCare Service Subscription
$ 35.00 USD

Subscribe to IvedaCare Service for more functionality and features. All payments and subscriptions are managed by Stripe and an account on IvedaCare.com is required. **Must be purchased separately from hardware and after making an account**


Subscribe to IvedaCare Service for more functionality and features. All payments and subscriptions are managed by Stripe and an account on IvedaCare.com is required. **Must be purchased separately from hardware and after making an account**


IvedaCare sensors are wireless devices that are designed to help keep you informed of a loved one's health and activities.

Smart Plug
$ 65.00 USD

Enabling customized control and automation of electrical devices in the home, the Smart Plug is easy to set up and operate. It can be quickly instructed to turn lights on and off for improved convenience and safety in the home or set to give the appearance that someone is home when they’re not to enhance a home’s security.

Assist Button
$ 39.99 USD

Push the assist button at any time to alert people in your Trusted Circle that assistance is needed or record when medicine is taken.

Touch Sensor
$ 30.00 USD

Quite simply, the Touch Sensor alerts you if it moves. Place it in a door you don't want opened or attach it to something you don't want moved. Get creative and know if it's been touched.

Water Sensor
$ 45.00 USD

With a Water Leak Sensor, the system can detect leaks and overflows in the home caused accidentally or by persons with dementia. Not only will Family members be made aware of the leak, but they will also be alerted to the leak's location, duration, time of day, frequency and more. The Trusted Circle of family and friends will be notified via text alert the moment a leak is detected.

Environment Sensor
$ 39.99 USD

The environment sensor can be used to monitor changes in both temperature and humidity. Place it in a refrigerator to monitor the temperature of sensitive medicines or place it near a stove top or fireplace to monitor health-related humidity and temperature concerns. Alerts will be distributed if conditions are outside the recommended range for the medication.

Motion Sensor
$ 40.00 USD

Motion Sensors, can but used to monitor activity in a certain room or area. They can be used to track sleeping patterns, up-at-night frequency and more. With an additional Motion Sensor in the bedroom, text alerts are distributed if the occupant did not make it to the bedroom at night, or did not get out of bed in the morning.

Entry Sensor
$ 35.00 USD

Quick and easy to install, the Entry Sensor is designed to monitor the opening and closing of doors and windows – warning a spouse, caregivers, family members and friends of potentially concerning activity in the home. Entry Sensors are equally capable of identifying when refrigerators, medicine cabinets, or cupboards have been opened to access medicine.

$ 59.99 USD

The Siren adds extra security to your home. It can be used to sound an alarm if someone breaks into a loved one's home, or it can be used to hear helpful audible sounds when doors open. You can customize the sounds of the siren such as, a barking dog for doors being opened or a high-pitched alert if the assist button is pressed.